About Fire Fridays
My name is Brittney, and I'm the owner and creator of The Fire Within Her. After having my son almost 3 years ago, I suffered an injury that led to severe chronic pain. Over the past few years I have struggled and felt darkness in ways I never knew possible. I got to places at some points in my journey where I didn't know if I could keep going. There was a very dark moment about 1.5 years into my struggles where I remember screaming in pain and thinking I couldn't keep living like this. In that moment I promised myself that I would fight to heal, mentally and physically, and when I did, I would try to help as many other people not feel alone in their struggles as well. I created my instagram @thefirewithinher as a therapeutic way to share my journey, the ups and downs, the struggles and the wins. I began getting feedback that it was inspiring and also helping other women who were struggling. I am creating this space to give all women a platform to share their story. Our stories are POWERFUL and being vulnerable enough to share them with each other can give each other HOPE. No story is too small and they are ALL important. You never know who you can encourage by sharing. I want this to be a place eventually where any woman going through anything in life can come and find support and encouragement to keep going. I am so thankful you are here, and cannot wait to watch it grow.
The girl walking through flames represents any woman walking through whatever hardship she may be facing, and finding a way to come out of it feeling strong and empowered. She is backwards so that any woman wanting to share can stay anonymous. I'm so glad you are here, feel free to connect and if you have a story you are interested in sharing reach out and I will email you the guidelines!